Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011

Life in an Equal Money System - No more Headache-pills?

Headaches are quite a common experience; in a given year about 90% of the people suffer from a headache.
Only for the so called secondary headaches the causes are known and pinpointed as some underlying physical structural problems in the neck or head. Most of the headaches fit into the category of the "Tension-headaches" which includes tension headache, migraine and cluster headaches and that are commonly "threated" with the Headache-pills like Aspirin and the sorts.  So we will have a look at them here.
So tension-headaches according to the word are caused by tensions in the nervous system and thus the human. The suggested factors for such tension are stress, poor posture, eye strain, fatigue and can be directly related to the accepted and allowed existence of the human in and as the current system. A tension can only exist if there is a polarity-friction as the result of separation - So the human is currently living in separation within itself, within its world and thus creates tension - tension is energy
So these headaches are some kind of energy-manifestations that we create through separation and instead of supporting ourselves to sort out the conflicts within ourselves and within the world we take painkillers or headache-pills to suppress and numb down our experience. The actual physical facts and play out of the headache, meaning the energy throbbing trough physical manifestations of neurons in a pattern, is still existent, one just took a pill and hit the switch of the pain-receptors to mute them - so the conflict remains.

It has become a real lifestyle of self-manipulation, never going the root of the problem but "popping a pill" and going on. "AHH, i have such an hangover i need a aspirin" is a way to not face the consequences of ones behavior and apply self-honesty to see that the outflow of headache is self-created and now one tries to separate oneself from it by applying a headache-pill. Headache-pills applied in this way are furthering separation from and suppression of the conflicts and friction of energies that exist in the human and equally in the world and thus validating, supporting and furthering the abuse that is accepted and allowed in and through our current monetary and economic system.

When Life is equal how can tension and polarity exist at all? It´s obvious we are not living in Equality with ourselves and the world as our self and it will be a long way to walk till Equality as Life can be manifested here on earth = no headaches at all!!!

 So let’s look at how Life in an Equal Money System will practically change and influence headaches. In an Equal money system the fear of survival will be removed through the supply with all the necessities for a person to live. From this foundation of a guaranteed safe and dignified place in life one can move and act and return without fear and stress.
The “reasons” for headaches like alcohol and smoking or other addictions are points for each individual to face in self-honesty and self-forgiveness.
The points of competition, comparison and conflict will diminish a lot only by taking the fear for survival out, yet this will be not sufficient as the human has become this conflict itself- thus to get to the point of Equal Money there is an individual process for every human being ahead to realize oneself, sort oneself and establish Equality within and as oneself. In this headaches can be used as indicators of the human body that “something is not cool now” and accepted as self-support – if there is no real physical structural problem that has to be cared for by expert = physician.  

The point that in our current system the real and specific causes and reasons of headaches are "simply not known" says a lot = simply not looked at, not dared to look at. Research on headaches and other dis-eases will be done - without the profit motive as a self-support for life - as a foundation to determine proper indications and applications of pharmaceutical drugs. In this research will be established how much of Pharmaceuticals is pure abuse and only brainwashing and what can remain to be of support for life.

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