Ok, so artificilly genetic modified
organisms have been around of a while and there are lots of points
and fundamental questions that one could bring up and discuss in
terms of if we „should“ do genetic manipulations at all and as
indicated in the „should“ or „could“ the debate is often from
a starting point of Moral or some form of Ethics, kind of involving
fear of some kind of „god“ or „creation“ that can not be changed
my man. Nevertheless it is done for some time now, indicating
that if there was a „God“ that would forbid messing with
his/her/its Creation humans do not care that much apparently. So this
„question of principle“ i will not discuss here, also because it
is already answered in the word „Principle“ - but rather look at
the current manifestation of genetic engineering on the basis of a recent
Article from „Mail Online“:
Basically, what the article says is that in a new study of the European Food Safety Autority segments of viral DNA were found that the international approval process failed to identify. The consequence is that the savety or potential danger and the overall effects of the presence in the crop of „Gen VI“ was not studied beforehand and now we are facing „problems“.
"It has
been assumed that virus genes are not present in the plant once it is
grown in the field and reaches consumers, however it is now clear
that this is not the case.
'This situation represents a complete and catastrophic system failure,' it said. 'There are clear indications that this viral gene might not be safe for human consumption. It also may disturb the normal functioning of crops, including their natural pest resistance.
'A reasonable concern is that the protein produced by Gene VI might be a human toxin. This is a question that can only be answered by future experiments.“
What this shows again is that the „biotech companies“ + officials simply have no clue on that is really accepted and allowed in terms of long term as well as unexpected effects genetic engineering can have.
So - Problem number one is that we do we do not know all what consequences genetic manipulation and introducing manipulated organisms such as pants or animals to the ecosystem actually are. We do not know the consequences that the consumption of GM-Food has in fact. If you have the chance, i would suggest everybody to watch the Documentary „Gekaufte Wahrheit – Gentechnik im Magnetfeld des Geldes“. It reveals some pretty concerning facts about the Bio-Tech Companies and their methods.
Gekaufte Wahrheit - 12min-Trailer (with english speaking interviews)
Gekaufte Wahrheit, Zensurund Gesinnungsterror (interview in german)
Around 95% of all „Scientists“ working in this field are at the moment or where payed directly by the industry – So much in terms of „independet research“, it does not exist. No long term Studies of GM-grops where done up to now and the ones that where done showed for example serious alteration of Organs and tissue in the Animals, when feed over an extended period of time, i. e. a few months. This results are then deliberatly made „unscientific“ because for example the grop what was feed as a „Control“ of a not genetically engineered crop was not the same „mother-line“ of seeds/grops. That mother-line is in the hands of the Company producing the manipulated grops/seeds, they wont give it out for studies/research, and so practically no study/research can be done that will be accepted according to „scientific terms“. Another example is the spreading of GM-corn in Mexico, the country of origin of corn. Nobody wanted manipulaed corn there, and in fact it is still prohibited to grow it, but through cross-pollintation it has mixed and spread throughout the whole country. This shows that the companies have in fact no Control over thier apprent creations. Scientic work that proves this such as presented by Ignacio Chapela is put down and the careers of such beings are usually compromised.
Second problem i wan to adress her is that most of the crops, lets take soy here, is modified to give them a resistance against herbicides like. The example most know is Monsanto selling the genetically modifed soy + the poison „Roundup“. Besides the inconsiderate/abusive approach towards plants, we have the problem of Posion in our nature, our soil, our crops and so in the end Food that was treated with poision. As the weeds that should be killed with the Poison adapt and also develop resistances towards the chemicals they grow again and the farmer has the same weeds-problem again. As the apparent solution More Poison is promoted and so there are farmers using up to 8-9 Herbicides on their fields. This means lots of poision accumulates + we dont even know how this different Chemicals react with each other and the environment, what effects this will have on the ecosystems.
A last Problem-point for this blog is the practice of producing steril seeds, so that the farmer become dependet and have buy again each jear, each season. Is there a more explicit definition of „unsustainable“ than to take fertile life and sterilize it just make Profit?
As already touched upon in the in the beginning of this blog, the „Problem“ ist the Starting-Point Principle on which genetic engineering is currently based upon, which ist Profit, makeing money. The same can be/become our main „Solution“ when we redefine Profit and Captialism according to the Principle of „Equality and Oneness as Life“ what will also change our total startingpoint and so practices of science like genetics. No longer will scientist be dependent on coorperations to pay their bills and so not forced into situations of compromising their scientific standards or concerns for example about the safety of modified organisms, just so that a „product“ can be „created“ and thrown on the maket, or rather on the earth, at nature at us all with unpredictable consequences.
Again i will quote here two excerpts from the Equal Money Capitalism – Proposal, that is layed out in the Economist Journeyto Life Blogs:
„So studies like ecology, physics,
sociology, education, psychology will form the basis of economics and
not the other way around - where today, economics determines science
in terms of what is currently being researched as that which is the
most profitable.“
Day 184 – The Relationship betweenEcology and Economy in Equal Money CapitalismInformed Decision-Making
"Within Capitalism, the
assumption is made that the consumer always has full knowledge
available about the products they can buy - and thus, that they are
always able to make informed decisions about the purchases they make
- and that this mechanism, therefore - makes it so that only the best
quality products are bought and stimulated to be produced, while
inferior products will phase out. Obviously - this is currently not
the case. The only point that is shared (and not even that
comprehensively) is the ingredients. Labelling within Equal Money
Capitalism will include not only ingredients, but also how the price
was established - who contributed to the production process, what
share of the profit goes to these participants - what are the
externalities involved in terms of the harm that was caused towards
the environment in the form of pollution and what resources were
involved to produce the product, etc." Day 162 Equal Money Capitalism - The Way Forward
Informed decision making is a crucial point in this discussion and
as we can see clearly informed decisions were not made in the field
of genetic engineering, knowledge and information is held back, not
considered and studies have not been carried out even though it was
suggested by the FDA itself. The „rights“ to do so are protected
by money and when we really look at it, it is atrocious and scary
that we/the animals are feed potentially harmful stuff for decades
and the companies making profit of this are protected behind „walls
of paper“. Would you buy and eat GM-Food when its is labled? Would
you buy and eat GM-Food when you know and have the information that
there are studies that show that anmials feed with modified food show
significant alterations in thier physicals? At least it would be cool
to know and have all points investigated properly and results
disclosed and put on the table openly so we can decide what is best
for all.
As for now genetic engineering is only best for the Companies, like Monsanto, where they deliberatly create „products“ to make thier costumers = farmers dependent on. The truth is that we find bare to none gain in field with modified crops, and more studies show that there is no benefit (
As for now genetic engineering is only best for the Companies, like Monsanto, where they deliberatly create „products“ to make thier costumers = farmers dependent on. The truth is that we find bare to none gain in field with modified crops, and more studies show that there is no benefit (
„A report that was provided by the
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that the GM
crops currently available are not able to improve the yield potential
of hybrid varieties. Another study suggested that yields can actually
decrease if the varieties that are used for carrying
herbicide-tolerant genes or also ones resistant to pests aren't the
strongest yielding cultivars.“
So, the solution to problem Number two
is pretty simply: We grow regular grops – if we can still find
them. There are biodynamic methods of farming, where one considers
the individual plants and and their relationship to the soil,
environment and each other to have less parasites or/and diseases and
when we really look at it we will often find that if there is a
epidemic of pests/parasites/weeds there is somewhere a disharmony in
the System – which at the moment mostly the human is the very cause
of or at least a factor in. Would for example be weeds-problems or
outbreaks of bark-beetles if there are no monocultures? Does Nature
know the term „Pest Plant“?
The solution for third problem is also:
Simply not doing it! But rather supporting ourselves and the plants
as well in supporting and fostering their ability/design to grow in
life-cycles with the by-product of giving us foods what we can do
equally in giving them the necessary environment, nutrients and
minerals that they need. Co-Existance in mutal support instead of
abuse and inconsideration. A cool approch and example of how such a
farming could look like is the work of Sepp
start again with the first Point. The reward of having scientists
that earn a equal profit share just like anybody else will be a
transparent and trustworthy science where we can be sure the
necessary studies are carried out in the best interest of all,
instead of in the interest to survival and greed. Without the fear of
„gentic engineering, which is in fact the fear of actually exactly
knowing that the Bio-tech companies are more caring their profits
then for the majority, we could look at the whole point with real
eyes and see if, what, how we can align it to with what is best for
all. Without need, force, push, judgement or fear simply
investigating considering everything and when we find that there is
something cool and worthwhile we can do it. But there will no secret
about it, no debates about labeling and no hidden ingredients.
reward for changing our approach in terms of farming will be less
poison in the environment, soil and eventually healtier food. We will
kill less lifeforms for your survival in an inconsiderate manner but
instead get to know how everything functions and cooperates in the
phyiscal world what has a doubble bonus included, where on the one
hand we will develop an in depth understanding, consideration and
regard for the plants, their relationship between themselves, to the
soil, the environment, waht they need, what nutrients, water etc. and
on the other hand the more effective and real our understanding for
and relationship with the plants/nature is and will be the more cool,
healthy, nurishing and diverse foods we get in return. So, here we
have the chance to develop real sustainability WITH what is here.
Art: Marlen Vargas del Razo |
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