Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

Money makes the world go round?!

Money makes the world go round

Looking at this popular saying, I would quite immediately go:
Oh, yeah from one perspective this is true when we look at the economic-system, politics and society - but this only revealing the limited definition of the word 'World' that we humans have
The 'World' is much more and at least the animal-kingdom, the trees, the soil and water - Nature as a whole - is not corrupt and does not allow itself to be influenced by money

But then realized: Fuck, wait minute, this just a nice wish and a fairytale. Actually we take all the different expressions of life out of their place and literally make them all 'go around the world' by forcing our will onto them. We kill, rape and abuse nature in the name of money and profit:

Tigers are caged an bread to make pets for the Fucker that pays the most for them
Huge, strong trees are cut down in the rainforests to make fucking fancy furniture for Europeans an Americans who can afford it
Whole fucking mountains are moved and excarved to mine gold and other 'precious' resources

 So the saying is actually true and the whole world as it exists i directed and influenced by money
It is necessary for us - if we want to live, live life i actual dignity, as human beings - to realize and live   self-direction to direct our selves and in this the world out of self-interest, profit and greed to what is best for all so that my little fairytale may become reality.

Check out Equal Money

Montag, 19. September 2011

Work until u die?

Today as i was approching my workplace a collegue was greating me with a very sad look on his face and he told me that the partner of our boss has died - quite suprisingly as he fell from a rock while climbing. I remained stable but asked myself some questions about what really matters in life, what is important?
I mean what is ceartain is death - it is a fact for everyone!
What do we do with our lives?
We work for a third of the week, we sleep for a third of the week for and the rest of the time we recover from work and  try to recreate ourselves through seeking satisfaction and pleasures!

We do never step out of this wheel of constant and continuos cycles without realizing that nothing we buy, create, possess or experiance has any real value if it is only for our self-interest. At death we end!

Possed by self-interest as fear and greed we all slave away in a eco-no-mec-system - that is abusive to life in all its forms - until we die... and end! Where is life within this? Obviously not considered!


The Equalmoneysystem is a practical solution that considers ALL LIVING BEINGS and allowes us humans to for the first time to LIVE LIFE while we are HERE